
Me and my orchid friend exchanged Japanese fold sketchbook ideas, OUTSIDE of class cause it got cancelled so it counts as a social call. She has a nice crooked smile and makes really pretty art.

I followed some girls all the way back from math, all the way up the stairs, all the way to my door. They are actually my neighbors!

At dinner I went to the non-milk fridge and pulled out the almond milk, and the guy giving the windows a wipe down told me he hadn't had the real stuff in years! And that coconut milk is a very good and healthy alternative.

And then me and my new roommate watched Tosh.0 and Teen Mom.


D said...
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D said...

Fantastic posts, Sarah. Feels like we're right there. Keep 'em coming! (Except that I don't understand how your toilet device works. I'll bet that's the point...)